
My work has been featured as part of the Voice of the Sea educational television program- check out the two episodes featuring my PhD research below:

Voice of the Sea – Season 3 Episode 1 – “Macroalgae Attack”

In this episode we’re in Cook’s Bay, on the island of Moorea in French Polynesia, checking out the reef study of PhD student Samantha Davis. Sammy is looking at the relationship between macroalgae and herbivores as macroalgae threatens to overwhelm the reef.

Voice of the Sea – Season 3 Episode 2 – “Sammy’s Reef”

In this episode, we’re back in Cook’s Bay with graduate student Samantha Davis studying how Moorea’s reefs recover from massive die-offs while other reefs around the world are not recovering. Perhaps the Moorea reefs will offer insights for maintaining reef health in Hawaii and beyond.

Check out other Voice of the Sea episodes here.

About Voice of the Sea (from the VOS website):

Voice of the Sea is an original, half-hour television series produced in partnership with the University of Hawaii Sea Grant Center for Marine Science Education and the Curriculum Research & Development Group. The innovative half-hour TV Voice of the Sea series presents global issues in a local context, incorporating traditional knowledge and cultural practices into the STEM canon. Episodes highlight ocean research and careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The Voice of the Sea host travels throughout Hawaii and the Pacific meeting researchers, scientists and cultural practitioners whose work benefits the ocean. Viewers learn about current science research, it’s importance to them, and the ways in which traditional knowledge can inform science and management practices.